These web pages represent the joint work of the core components group and the business process group as formed at the August 2000 San Jose meeting.

Please use the links below to navigate the site and follow the work effort.
Team Members
Work Plan
Working Documents
Domain Groups Work In Progress

Click here


Core Components and Business Process have established a joint delivery team to undertake a proof of concept of the ebXML business process modelling methodology.

The team will consist of the team leaders of the two groups (Mike Adcock, Mary Kay Blantz, Paul Levine, Marcia McLure, and Lisa Shreve) and it will coordinate domain related (industry sector) sub groups which will validate the methodology within the context of an industry.

The overall objective is to refine the methodology and speed up the delivery of core components so that an implementable Proof of Concept can be prepared by the end of the Toyko meeting.

Subsequently, the results of this work will provide the foundation for global interoperability of ebXML business exchanges

Main contacts

Co team Leader Lisa Shreve

Co team Leader Mary Kay Blantz

Metamodel/Context group Arofan Gregory and Karsten Riemer

Context team Leader Sharon Kadlec

Methodology/Processes/Patterns Sue Probert and Jim Clarke

For a more detailed breakdown of the work being undertaken by these groups please refer to the Work Plan page.

Domain List Servers

Context/Meta Model Track

This work focuses on refinement of the Meta Model, quantification of context, and alignment of context with the meta model.

Listserv: ebxml-ccbp-context

Methodology, Patterns and Analysis Track

This track focuses on a broad range of support and analysis activities, including: establishment of Core Components and Core Business Processes, definitions, and work methodologies.

Listserv: ebxml-ccbp-analysis


This work track involves the collection of industry details, including process models and information content. It is suggested that EVERYONE suscribe to the shared ebXML-ccbp-domain list, and in addition, subscribe to the domain specific list of interest.

Listserv: ebXML-ccbp-domain

convener: Lisa Seaburg

description: Shared list for all domain groups, for shared conversations of interest to all domain groups

Listserv: ebxml-ccbp-materials

convener: Melanie McCarthy,

description: Domain Group for Materials Management/Manufacturing

Listserv: ebxml-ccbp-finance

convener: Stig Korsgard,

description: Domain Group for Finance

Listserv: ebxml-ccbp-retail

convener: Ravi Kacker,

description: retail domain group

Listserv: ebxml-ccbp-customs

convener: Olli Pekka Pauna

description: international transport and customs

Listserv: ebxml-ccbp-insurance

convener: Andreas Schultz

description: Domain Insurance Group

To subscribe to these listserv's, please refer to the home page.

You will find, under the section join us, a link which allows you to subscribe to all of these new lists.

Last up dated August 2000

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