

Quality Review Team

Project Team Lead: Dick Raman - TIE
Vice-Lead: Bob Glushko - Commerce One
Editor: Tim McGrath - TEDIS

Quality Review reports available for viewing.


Our purpose is to review ebXML deliverables for quality and consistency.

The QR team will give an opinion on all technical specification documents before they go to public review. Our responsibility is to evaluate that the documents are aligned with the vision of ebXML, validate the documents with ebXML's approved requirements document, there are no overlaps or conflicts, and provide complete and correct information about the purpose of the document together with compliance statements to ensure quality of implementations.

The QR team does not look at (or edit) editorial details. However, we may suggest "best practice" for managing comments/input to evolving documents and propagating these across the various project teams.

The QR Team report to the ebXML Executive.

To submit a deliverable for review it must be sent to the Steering Committee list server with a subject line containing the phrase "For Review". The QR Team aim to comment to the executive on these documents within 5 working days.

Various reports available for viewing.

Archives for all project team mailing lists are available at


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