Analysis/Core Definitions

Convener's: Jim Clarke & Sue probert
This work track is integrating the methodology for capturing core components with the Business Process methodology to ensure alignment. This domain also covers alignment with other external methodologies, including TMWG (N090), Rossettanet, eCo etc.
This work group is also looking at refining data definitions, as well as discovering/documenting core components. Which are in turn being linked with core processes.
Included in the download section to the right are the HTML web forms being used to discover core components from verious domain perspectives, along with an Access database which is being used for analysis purposes.
Document listing
Core Component Discovery Forms
These forms, developed by Martin Bryan, represent the Core Component methodology in a tool which allows the discovery of components within a defined context.
download here |
Core Component Analysis Database
This Access database mirrors the forms and can be populated directly from the core component discovery forms. This is an analysis tool only.
download here |
Core Component Link with Repository
Document and Access database detailing storage of core components with an ebXML registry framework.
download here |
Core Component Analysis
Analysis spreadsheet across the various domain activities. Download the latest work provided by Hartmut Hermes along with minutes from the latest meeting.
download here |
Representation Types
List of representation classes as produced at the San Jose meeting. Linking with business entities and basic semantic units.
download here |
Core Component Discovery Model
Model linking a simple and complex core component with business context and permitted values.
download here
| Core Component Naming Convention
Rules are derived from the guidelines and principles described in document ISO 11179-5, clause 6 (Guidelines for structured naming conventions). In certain instances, these guidelines have been adapted to the ebXML CC environment.
download here
| ebXML Tag Naming
XML tag naming document in draft form.
download here