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Methodology Page

This work track is integrating the methodology for capturing core components with the Business Process methodology to ensure alignment. This domain also covers alignment with other external methodologies, including TMWG paper N090.

This work is the first steps towards discovering ebXML core components starting from the existing data models used for e-business. It suggests a concept model for describing business entities and also presents templates for describing the results of analysis, which form the basis of the core component discovery tool.

This methodology follows OO-EDI techniques and while endeavoring to adopt the best parts of legacy data/semantics of traditional EDI messages. It also explores how to analyze current EDI business entities in order to design the object classes for usage in modeling methodologies.

Document listing

Methodology for Capturing Core Components

Follows OO-EDI techniques and while endeavoring to adopt the best parts of legacy data/semantics of traditional EDI messages. It also explores how to analyse current EDI business entities in order to design the object classes for usage in modeling methodologies

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Core Component Discovery Forms

These forms, developed by Martin Bryan, represent the Core Component methodology in a tool which allows the discovery of components within a defined context.

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Core Component Re-use and Extension

This describes how core components, either simple ones or complex ones, can be re-used in the design of other Complex Core Components. Components may be re-used with a different specification of what data content is mandatory or conditional.

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Core Component Definition and Relationship with CBOs

This zip file contains documents which explain the scope of a core component and how it relates to a common business object.

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Core Component Terminology Definition

This paper lists the core component terminology connects it with a business purpose and defines its meaning

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Core Processes Catalogue

This paper lists core processes.

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